Frail Care & Assisted Rental

As no one plans to come into Frail Care and no one plans to leave, it is impossible to say if place will be available when it is needed! The best is to Contact Us and let us know there may be a need for someone to be accommodated in the Frail Care in the near future.

Assisted Living Rooms are available. 
Admission criteria applies.
Contact Tel. 044-532-8000 OR Email:

Typical accommodation available in
Frail Care & Assisted Rental rooms
Typical room in our Frail Care

All rooms in the Frail Care have a  BIC, basin and call button. Bathroom facilities are shared. Own furniture may be brought, even to curtains, pictures and bedding - whatever makes the occupant feel comfortable and at home: always good to have familiar things around. Hospital beds are available if required to make nursing easier.
All Assisted Rental rooms are en-suite with garden views and wired for occupant's own DSTV.

For more information and tariffs, go to SERVICES

Room 3, an Assisted Rental room in our Garden Rooms annex is spacious and light with lots of BIC's and a call button. Its little deck is ideal for enjoying the sun and chatting to all who pass by.  It is close to the Community Centre and may be rented with our furniture or yours. 

Assisted Rental typical en-suite bathroom. The shower has a seat and hand held shower head to make showering really easy and safe.  

We offer Short Term Recovery assistance for after hospital discharge .  This service includes dedicated Staff 24/7 in our beautiful wheelchair friendly Garden Village.

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