Pink Tea Party
"Pink Tea Party" in Frailcare - 25th Sept 2010
Our beloved policeman, Nicky Maritz, and a very special lady, Yvette, again spoilt us with a lovely tea party in Frailcare - for no particular reason, just because they care! Many Village people also came along and a great time was had by all - the "pink" theme was carried out in table decorations, plates, feathers, and clothing!
Yvette with flowers from Sr Jess to say a big "Thank You!", Tessa, Mimi, Sr Jess, Veronica, Kathy and Sr Martha who was on duty for the day.
Sr Jess Stanley, who was off duty on the day, joined us in pink, even to the glasses! At the other end of the lead is Chico, the toy pom she adopted from Jan Swanepoel shortly before his passing.
Nicky Maritz serves tea to Yvette and Chairman, David Melamdowitz, on her right.
"You light up my life........" - and indeed this special afternoon was a light in the lives of all the Frailcare residents and many other residents too! Thanks again to Nicky and Yvette - may your generosity of spirit be returned to you 100 fold. Bless you!