Opening Frailcare Extension

There is never a shortage of a reason for a jolly get together or a party at Stromboli's. Our most exciting event was the opening of our Frailcare extension on the 24th June 2010.  We were blessed with a wonderful donation from a resident, Wendy Coath, who has always had a desire to see our Frailcare residents enjoying life in a lovely large lounge and dining room of their own.  So what seemed like a  far-off dream at one time has become reality so much sooner than we ever hoped for. We arranged a cheese and wine and there was a great turn out of all our Village residents - from Frailcare, Assisted Living and the Cottages. What a wonderful mix of people - including a number of local folk who have been involved with Stromboli's in various ways over the years. Our care givers on duty for the day helped to serve eats and assist where necessary and were an equally important part of our celebration.  

Wendy cut the ribbon right where she sat and the Frailcare extension was declared "officially open!"  

The plentiful eats, provided by residents, were enjoyed by all who attended.

Part of our happy group at the official Opening.

Rene le Roex, a Committee Member, proposed the toast to Wendy. 

Care givers on duty during the Opening.

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