
Our Frailcare is run by Sr Du Toit, assisted by Sr Monica Ras. They supervise our care giver shifts and make sure all our residents are well cared for at all times.  As our care givers work 12-hour shifts, they rotate every two or three days, in such a way as to have every second week-end off from Friday to Sunday. Our Sisters and Care Givers are very special ladies who care for the Frailcare residents day and night and help Assisted Living residents with whatever is needed to make their lives more comfortable in their own homes. Apart from the Care Giver who is on duty in the Frailcare block, others are to be seen all around the Village, taking someone for a walk or going to a cottage to assist a resident, or standing by in the dining room in case someone needs help, or simply sitting with a resident on a bench in the garden. The friendly smiles and greetings from Care Givers when they see a resident along the way are a part of what makes our Village so very special. And our two Frailcare cleaning ladies are unequalled in how shiny and clean they keep the Frailcare and Assisted Rooms. 

Frailcare Cleaning Ladies

Gracie Mfundisi

Mimi Mowers

  Care Givers

Veronica Muller

Rosemary Kiewiets

Janay Simons

Linda Martin

Care Givers

Tessa Waites

Pamela Boli

Sharon Stuurman

Melissa Meshaka

Elize Moodie

Benita Ruiters

 Care Givers

Kathy Fuller

Merle Handricks

Veronica Kleinhans

Thelma Lethole


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